Year-round airborne dust particles, animal dander, food sensitivities, chemical sensitivities and odours are a nuisance for many allergy sufferers. April’s showers can exacerbate the issue of allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities. Some even experience digestive sensitives in the spring and fall from citrus, due to the fact that pollen and citrus fruits share the same proteins. Even having just one of these sensitivities or allergies can be miserable.  Some of the common symptoms may include runny nose, postnasal drip, sinus issues, itching, cramping, headaches, cough and wheezing.  Other symptoms like fatigue, anxiety, gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation,  and insomnia can also be linked to an allergy, intolerance or sensitivity.  Between tree pollen, flowers, grass, spring allergies may make you feel especially miserable. Long-term use of allergy medication or steroid puffers only masks symptoms and can lead to other health-related issues down the road.

This is where Bio-acupuncture Allergy and Desensitization programs can help. As a Health Canada approved Grade 2 medical device, Biofeedback is a safe, effective, non-invasive, natural method of assessing and alleviating symptoms of allergies, sensitivities and intolerances. With Bio-acupuncture Allergy and Desensitization, we use Biofeedback analysis in conjunction with electro-acupuncture to effectively desensitize symptoms of allergy, intolerance, and sensitivity.

How do Bio-Acupuncture Allergy And Desensitization Programs work? 

Bio-Acupuncture And Desensitization programs help the body restore itself to homeostasis (balance) so that the body can heal itself naturally. These programs simply realign and clear any blockages in the energetic pathways of the body. The existence of these bioenergetic pathways (also known as meridians) has been confirmed through electro-magnetic imaging technology and radioactive tracer isotopes. These pathways allow energetic signals to flow continuously throughout the body via the nervous system. Any number of factors can cause a disruption in the normal (healthy) pathway flow of energy through the body’s meridians. These disruptions interfere with the communication between the brain and body, causing energetic abnormalities, such as congestion, or hyperstimulation of energy. These factors can contribute to a wide range of symptoms and conditions, including allergies, sensitivities and intolerances. The highly sensitive Bio-acupuncture programs clear these blockages of energy within meridian systems while reintroducing healthy energetic frequencies back into the body and allowing the cells to adapt to a healthy state.

In sessions, the client wears the electrodes on the head, wrists, and ankles. Their body is then exposed to an energetic signature that outlines their hyper-reactant causing substance. The electro-acupuncture programs are then used (without the use of needles) to transmit a subtle therapeutic frequency to the various acupuncture points on the body. This process assists in the rebalancing of blocked meridians, as well helping in the entrainment process to the stronger, more stable, non-reactive, non-threatening homeostasis with the body.  This results in the alleviation or desensitization of adverse reactions to the cleared reactive substance.

How soon will someone notice the results?

Most clients find immediate results to varying degrees after the first visit. Others require several visits to detect and desensitize all suspect causes, particularly if they have many intolerances. In extreme cases, those with severe intolerances have reported a 4-6 week period lapse after their last session before noticing complete symptom alleviation. For very severe sensitivities, it can take between 2-8 sessions for one particular allergen to recede.

Proper lifestyle factors play a large role in how quickly a client will notice results. Biofeedback can help us detect what specific stressors and lifestyle factors that need to be addressed for optimal health to be achieved. Lifestyle modification will be discussed during the initial Biofeedback assessment appointment. The overall outcome is largely determined by the client’s immune system as well as other contributing stress factors.

Are there any side effects?

Most clients experience no side effects at all except the alleviation of their allergic symptoms and sensitivities. However, in some cases, a client may experience some temporary harmless side effects, discussed below. When the body has been desensitized to an intolerance or allergy to which it has been exposed in the past, any damaged tissues will begin to break down and reabsorb back into the body.

In rare instances, it is possible to experience short-lived reactions as the body adjusts to the clearing. This effect is known as a “healing crisis” and it is temporary. The odd headache, sore throat, sinus congestion, tiredness, lethargic feeling, aches and pains or even nausea are all signs of your body healing naturally that you may experience after a  Bio-Acupuncture Allergy and Desensitization session. These temporary symptoms are signs of the body regenerating new cells and cleansing itself.

Symptoms due to a healing crisis can start the day after the Bio-Acupuncture Allergy and Desensitization session. allergy release session or anywhere up to 3 weeks afterwards. Symptoms may last from 1 to 28 days.

For this reason, many are surprised when the intolerances they have been cleared of are still causing problems, during the healing crisis. This is actually a good sign, not a bad one. The body is merely re-experiencing the same allergy symptoms, temporarily, as it now returns on the uphill road of rebalancing and eliminating toxic wastes that caused the allergies.

For more information or any questions regarding Bio-acupuncture Allergy and Desensitization Therapy CONTACT ME HERE

*Disclaimer – The Biofeedback Bio-acupuncture Allergy and Desensitisation Program is simply a method that assists in stress release and helps to reestablish energy flow to blocked or damaged Meridians. It helps to identify stressors based on an individual’s baseline normal. It provides homeostatic stabilizing frequencies and assists in the entrainment process. This support triggers the body’s own self healing mechanisms. This is not a diagnostic tool, it is only meant to help identify and alleviate stress.

Biofeedback Health & Wellness © 2025.

  • Biofeedback and Stress Management Practitioner
  • Certified Reflexology
  • Iridology
  • Bio-Energetics Practitioner
  • Holistic Nutrition Educator
  • GNM Practitioner
  • Certified Reiki Master
  • IONIC Detox Specialist

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