Virtual In Home Biofeedback Assessment
Did you know that Biofeedback Health and Wellness has the ability to assess and provide therapeutics stress free by simply assessing and using a hair sampling?
Did you know that hair sample testing is a more precise and accurate method of testing than blood and urine testing? Stressors can be identified years before they are determined in a blood or urine sample.
Being proactive about your health and wellness during these times of stress, and uncertainty is paramount. Biofeedback Hair Assessment is a safe and accurate way to help anyone who is suffering from immune deficiencies, comprised mobility, seniors or young children take control of their health. This method is also a great way for anyone of any distance or location to access the important information that is offered through biofeedback testing.
How it works
Hair is formed from a cluster of matrix cells that make up the hair follicles. During the growth phase, the hair is exposed to the internal metabolic environment such as the circulating blood, lymph and extracellular fluids. As the hair continues to grow and reach the surface of the skin the outer layers harden, locking in metabolic products accumulated during this period of hair formation. Hair unlike your internal metabolic system does not have the ability to keep minerals and toxins in by attempting to correct imbalances. The metabolic system internally has the ability to correct imbalances. “For example, when the body is deficient in calcium, the blood borrows calcium from the bone to keep proper calcium levels up. This means the blood or urine test will reveal normal calcium levels even though there is a deficiency. Hair samples provide us with a blueprint and lasting record of nutritional metabolic stressors and the energetic properties of elevated toxic minerals and materials in the body. Understanding these stressors gives you the opportunity to be proactive and correct imbalances.
Biofeedback Hair Assessments are able to identify the following stressors which may be at the core of your health issues:
- Viruses
- Bacteria
- Pathogens
- Chemical, industrial and environmental pollutants
- Mold
- Yeast
- Fungi
- Food poisoning
- Vitamins and mineral deficiencies
- Parasites
- Amoebas
- Digestive Issues
- Immune Deficiencies
- Mental and Emotional factors
- Overall Organ and Cellular Function
- Meridian Impairment Radiation and EMF toxicity
- Food Intolerance
- Genetic, or Inherited Disorders
- Endocrine Imbalances
- Circulatory Issues
- Cognitive function
- Sugar Imbalances
Some of these underlying stress imbalances could be at the root of these diseases and conditions:
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Depression
- Learning Disabilities
- Brain Fog
- Brain Fatigue
- Digestive issues
- Heartburn/Acid Reflux
- Autoimmune Disorders
- Chronic Infections
- Weight Gain or Loss
- Insomnia
- Hot Flashes
- Fibromyalgia
- Food Sensitivities
- Allergies
- Asthma
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Arthritis
- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Chronic pain
- Neurological Conditions
- Chronic Fatigue
- Lymes disease
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Headache
- Migraines
- Vestibular Issues
- Hormonal Imbalances
- Reproductive issues
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Diabetes
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Raynaud’s disease
- Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
- Circulatory Conditions
- Heart Palpitations
- Urinary Conditions
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Skin Conditions
Hair Sample
How to Collect a Hair Sample
The hair must be washed, rinsed thoroughly, and completely dried. From the back of the neck, and at the nape, cut small portions as close to the skin as possible at the hairline. This area is less noticeable to most people. The required amount recommended for testing is approximately 2-3 inches in length and width. Once cut, place the hair in an envelope. If the head is a difficult area for hair growth then the hair can be taken from the armpit or the chest for men.
Please CONTACT US for our mailing address.
Once you’ve mailed in the hair sample, you will be contacted to set up a Virtual Phone Assessment. Assessment appointments can take up to two hours depending on the results of the Biofeedback Assessment.