First Degree


During the First Degree students learn about the history of Reiki, the principles and practice of self-soothing and giving treatments on others.You will learn the benefits of Reiki practice hands-on healing, learn different hand positions; study and map the chakra system. Even at this level, you have life-long access to Reiki energy. First degree will give students the ability to use Reiki energy on themselves and others. The higher the level of degree and attunement the more the vibrations increase.

Second Degree


During Second Degree training, students will receive additional, powerful Reiki symbols that will increase the healing power and allow distance healing. Students will also learn Mental healing and Distance Healing. The jump from the first degree to the second degree is significantly higher, so your vibrations will suddenly rise. How Reiki affects people is beautiful and different with each student and each attunement. We all have our own life experiences and belief systems and fortunately, those lower vibrations can not exist with the higher attunement. This is where students learn to follow their own Reiki path of self discovery. If you are thinking of taking a Second Degree, I suggest you wait 2 to 3 months to allow yourself to integrate the first level.

Third Degree


Students are taught specific reiki symbols that correlate with each level of attunement. Following the level 3 Reiki course, you will be able to apply the first Master symbol as well as additional balancing and treatment techniques. The initiation into the 3rd Degree helps many people open up to Reiki techniques and progress easier on their path. If you are thinking of taking I suggest Third Degree it’s best you wait 2 to 3 months to allow yourself to integrate Second Degree.

Reiki Master Teaching Level


The Reiki Master Course is for those who wish to deepen their own practice and their personal transformational process. It is for students who have already been attuned to Degree 1,2 and 3 and for those who would like to become a teacher of Usui Reiki. Reiki Master attunement helps students connect with higher levels of Reiki Energy and consciousness. Students learn how to teach others, learn 3rd Degree symbols and the Master symbol to increase your meditations, strengthen your mind & expand your consciousness. This teaching level empowers and helps to make changes that will open your life to new levels of awareness on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

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In 1922, Buddhist monk and doctor Mikao Usui submerged himself in a 21 spiritual meditation and fast. During this time he received a spiritual awakening. He received a deep understanding of “life force energy”. He named this energy REIKI. It comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” meaning life energy. It refers to the vital life force energy that flows through all living things. When he tried it on himself and his family he had immediate results.

Reiki utilizes the body’s energy field to help assist the body in deep homeostasis. Homeostasis allows natural healing to begin. Reiki supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself and can be a powerful catalyst for deep relaxation that helps people tap into their own natural healing resources.

Usui founded the Usui Reiki Healing Society where he developed the degrees of Reiki, the mantras, meditations, symbols and the Three Attunements which must be received to practice Reiki. The attunements happen during a ritual conducted by a Reiki Master. The degree of attunement changes as students moves through the First, Second and Third Degrees of Reiki. Students sit with their eyes closed and focus on their breathing. During the First Attunement, a Reiki Master clears the student’s energy channels to enable them to channel more universal energy for healing. It is a profound experience. There are a lot of teachers that are attuning reiki online. Many traditional Usui Reiki Masters (including my own Reiki Master) that is not authentic Reiki attunement, and goes against traditional attunement ceremony. They feel it is spurious and that a real authentic validated reiki attunement must be done traditionally and in person, where a physical transference of the teachings and attunement is “passed down” from teacher to student.

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