What I have found in my years of doing this work is that the healing journey is often about exploring new ways of thinking – new ideas,  new perspectives, new knowledge, or new techniques. The secret to success in my opinion is to keep a curious mind and a thirst for knowledge. As you explore this fresh way of thinking, you will be asking lots of questions and gathering as much information as possible. The beginning stages are very much in the exploratory phase. You may be prone to making mistakes (no such things really) along the way, but your curiosity means that you are eager to learn from your slip-ups. All that has to happen before entering the master phase. Mastering is about understanding yourself, your body and your environment better. It’s about understanding your stress and becoming more resistant to it as well as mastering your mind and your emotions, It’s about finding your own way to your own unique balance. 

Biofeedback is all about communication. The communication of your body, mind and emotions. It is my hope that you uncover new parts of yourself and explore new and different ways of expressing yourself to others and communicating your ideas and opinions. You may be drawn to things that you may not have considered before, this is the exploratory phase, so be open to new ways to understand yourself and express yourself and discover where your inner talents lie. Don’t hold back, like I have mentioned to many of you, this whole process is more than just about taking supplements. It’s about discovering who you really are. It’s about growth and development. It’s about giving yourself permission to follow your passions and go where your true energy lies. I encourage and support you to move forward and to keep the wheels in motion, despite any challenges or setbacks that might stand in the way.

You may have your moments often expressed as a level of tension or conflict, and the energy of change may sometimes prove too much to handle. If you need to, give yourself a break, and return with fresh eyes. You have a lot to share with yourself, and despite the struggle, these conflicts or tensions may teach you something about yourself. You need to stay open to enthusiasm to learn more about yourself. Trust me it’s worth it, you are worth it. 

I want to remind you that sometimes you have to put everything on hold before you can take the next step. You may have heard the saying, ‘What got you here won’t get you there’, and that indeed is at play. Change is hard, and releasing people, situations, old mental models and behavioural patterns that no longer serve you can be hard to see. Slowing down and putting things on pause may form a new perspective and allow you to embrace new opportunities that would have otherwise been hidden from you if you didn’t hit the pause button.

These ‘pauses’ can be voluntary or involuntary. If you’re in tune with your intuition, you’ll start to have a sense of when it’s time to hit the brakes and put things on hold. But if you’re out of alignment and oblivious to those intuitive signs, the Universe will probably put things on hold for you, in the form of continued obstacles, ill health, and breakdowns. When you sense the ‘pause’ coming, pay attention to it; otherwise, the Universe will turn up the volume until you can’t ignore it any longer. Don’t keep pushing forward, hoping that more force will drive you to where you want to go. Instead, surrender to the opportunity to pause and view it as your chance to reassess and re-evaluate where you are on your path. Something new is emerging, and you won’t be able to see it unless you allow the time and space for it to come through.

Welcome these ‘pauses’ with open arms and surrender to the ‘what is’ – even if it is different from what you expected. Take time away from your routine to connect with a new way of thinking and seeing. Sure, you might have to put important projects on hold while you do this (and it might be super inconvenient) but trust me, it’ll be worth it. This is the Universe’s way of helping you see new perspectives and preparing you for the next up levelling that is happening in your life. If you push or resist, you will meet more obstacles along the way; instead, ‘allow’ the opportunities to flow smoothly and effortlessly to you.

Wishing you all much love, fun, joy and healing over this holiday season and the year to come.


Biofeedback Health & Wellness © 2025.

  • Biofeedback and Stress Management Practitioner
  • Certified Reflexology
  • Iridology
  • Bio-Energetics Practitioner
  • Holistic Nutrition Educator
  • GNM Practitioner
  • Certified Reiki Master
  • IONIC Detox Specialist

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