Bernadette Erb

Hello, my name is Bernadette Erb. In the past 10 years, I’ve had two cancers, the first one was Hodgkin’s lymphoma and five years later I was diagnosed with leukemia. Unfortunately, all the chemo I had received caused nerve damage from my neck down to my tailbone. Over the past year, I have been receiving treatments from Monthaha. I have to tell you how amazed I am with the treatments and advice I have received. She is so caring and is very well versed in her field.

This past year I have experienced chronic nausea. I have talked to doctors and specialists but they all had the same feedback that it was likely from the chemo.  After these appointments with doctors, I became very frustrated and I turned to holistic treatments. The first treatment was a Biofeedback Assessment. It indicated that I needed to detox. Because I was so sick, and not able to come in person for sessions,  Montaha suggested that I do virtual work through biofeedback entrainment.

I was completely blown away by what the machine relayed about my body. It read my body and it told me that I had extensive nerve damage in my back, inflammation in my stomach and bowels and that I was allergic to an allopathic drug. At first, I was not a believer but went along with the program because frankly, I did feel some improvements while I was being treated virtually. Montaha kept insisting that biofeedback was indicating that there was a sensitivity happening with one of the medications and that I would not feel completely better until Doctors examined my medications.

Two weeks after this treatment I ended up in the Emergency Room.  I could not stop vomiting and couldn’t eat for 12 days. They admitted me right away. I explain to them that I was very close to taking my own life because I could not wake up another day of feeling nauseated and in so much pain. I got tested from head to toe with CAT scans, Endoscopy, Ultrasound, and Colonoscopy. I had a team of doctors (including a toxicologist) working on my case. I got a diagnosis of Colitis which is inflammation of the stomach, colon, and small bowel. The toxicologist said that I am likely having a reaction to a drug called Lyrica. So everything that the biofeedback relayed was exactly correct and it was validated by a medical doctor. The doctors told me that this would likely take 3 to 6 months to heal. After leaving the hospital I called Monthaha immediately and she started me on Biofeedback Virtual treatments. I was blown away at how fast I was recovering and after every treatment, I felt amazing for days! I have now fully recovered from the side effects of the medication that I was on. I have not felt this good in years. Montaha through the guidance of biofeedback was also able to provide a detox protocol and a list of nutritional support that helped my body heal. I no longer suffer from symptoms of Colitis and the pain in my body has decreased immensely. Biofeedback was even able to identify emotional states that no one else was able to understand. Her support and encouragement throughout this whole process have been immeasurable. Her kindness and care went beyond anything I had ever experienced before. She and biofeedback were one of the biggest factors for me getting my life back. I believe that Monthaha saved my life.  You could not be in better hands! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

London, Ontario

Biofeedback Health & Wellness © 2025.

  • Biofeedback and Stress Management Practitioner
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  • Bio-Energetics Practitioner
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  • IONIC Detox Specialist

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