Mental health is a big topic especially in the month of May and I wanted to talk about it in many of the months to come.  A look at the brain through science and biofeedback and neurofeedback can assist in tracking stressors that map human messaging and patterns in the brain. Uncovering stress adequately is important and different for each person Anxiety disorders and depression are two of the most common mental illnesses in Canada and the United States. In fact, approximately 4 million Canadians  live with some form of anxiety and most have had at least one depressive episode in a given year. When left untreated, both conditions can change the structure of your brain, shrinking parts of the mind that regulate cognitive function and rational thinking. In addition, anxiety disorders can make your brain overly reactive to threats and more likely to hold onto negative memories. Depression can inflame the brain and cause brain cells to malfunction.

Luckily, this is where I can help, with brain science practices like Bio-neurofeedback can help improve the way your brain functions, helping you control anxiety and better manage symptoms of depression.

Being that June is fathers appreciation month.  I would also like to discuss how important it is for men to take care of their mental health. Fathers of all capacities take on a lot, it’s not easy raising children and with today’s demands,  the load for fathers is getting heavier. The biggest thing for men is being able to connect to those feelings and sometimes that’s not always an easy thing to recognize. I watched my own father not always knowing how to feel and what to feel and how to deal with things in a healthy way. You guys are doing great but we could always do better.  I see how devoted and dedicated you are to yourself and your family. Don’t be afraid to reach out and find out how to cope and become more resilient in today’s busy world. It could change everything and help you live a happier healthier life.

What is Bio-Neurofeedback?

Bio-Neurofeedback, also referred to as EEG biofeedback or Neurotherapy, is a specialized treatment that uses advanced computer technology to “balance” the brain and improve the way your mind functions through intensive brain training exercises. This helps with homeostasis by calming the mind and nervous system. It is a simple, painless, and non-invasive process.

Bio-Neurofeedback uses your brain’s natural ability to learn new things to help heal and retrain your mind. Basically, you learn to alter your brain activity the same way you learn every other skill: through feedback and practice.

Luckily, for the most part, the technology does all the work and the computer measures your brainwave output, using small sensors placed on your scalp, wrists and ankles. The sensors tell the computer when your brainwaves are outside of your own baseline normal range. Brainwaves that are too high indicate anxious thoughts. Each time your brainwaves get too high, Biofeedback encourages your brain to focus on positive thought forms and stimuli rather than the anxious thoughts. In the average 30-60 minute training session, this happens hundreds of times, giving your brain time to practice and improve on the feedback you received. After about 3 to 4 weeks of sessions, the brain learns to “stay within the lines” and maintain balance, helping you feel calmer and better able to control your thoughts.

Scientists believe neurofeedback, combined with other forms of biofeedback, can help improve anxiety and depression. In fact, one particular study revealed that after 30 bio-neurofeedback sessions and heart rate variability training, 57% of people with severe anxiety, and 45% of people with severe depression showed normal brain activity.

Neurofeedback Therapy For Anxiety

Anxiety sufferers tend to have repetitive, negative unwanted thoughts that make them feel like they’re in a constant state of fear or dread. Medication can help ease symptoms, but the relief is temporary and the side effects can be severe. Therapy can take years to work and may require revisiting painful memories and past trauma to yield positive change. bio-Neurofeedback is an all-natural, pain-free way to relieve anxiety that has long-term positive results

Bio-Neurofeedback Therapy For Depression

Depression can happen for many reasons, but scientists have discovered that depression tends to occur when there’s an imbalance of activity in the left and right frontal lobes of the brain. Instead of having balanced activity on both sides of the brain, people who suffer from depression have slow brainwave activity in the left frontal lobe, triggering symptoms like fatigue, lack of motivation, and loss of interest in daily activities. Bio-neurofeedback helps activate the left frontal lobe and may help boost self-esteem.

Bio-Neurofeedback Can Help Improve Your Mood

Numerous studies have shown that we feel upbeat, positive, and in a good mood when the left frontal area of the brain is more active than the right frontal region. Oftentimes, people with depression have more activity in the right frontal lobe than the left, causing them to feel sad, melancholy, isolated, alone, and hopeless. Luckily, in Bio-neurofeedback sessions, we can target that part of the brain and intentionally train your left frontal lobe to be more active. As your brain receives positive feedback every time your left frontal lobe is activated, your mind activates your left frontal lobe more often, improving your mood and reducing symptoms of depression.

Neurofeedback Can Help Calm Overactive Brain Cells

Living in a constant state of anxiety can over-activate the cells in your brain. In non-anxious brains, the amygdala and the hippocampus, another part of the brain, have a balanced dialogue with each other, allowing you to separate good emotional experiences from bad experiences. Overactive brain cells caused by anxiety, however, keep your brain in a constant state of fight or flight response, making you more prone to remember and hold onto negative experiences over positive ones. Neurofeedback lets your brain spot this overreaction. Consistently receiving this kind of feedback “teaches” your brain cells how to calm down. As your brain cells become less reactive, you’ll be able to more easily separate good experiences from negative situations and feel less compelled to live in a constant state of flight or fight response.

Click here to learn more about mental health support and strategies.

Biofeedback Health & Wellness © 2025.

  • Biofeedback and Stress Management Practitioner
  • Certified Reflexology
  • Iridology
  • Bio-Energetics Practitioner
  • Holistic Nutrition Educator
  • GNM Practitioner
  • Certified Reiki Master
  • IONIC Detox Specialist

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